The winter months can be particularly treacherous for skin, leaving it dry and prone to chapping. The good news is that you can save your skin with a little know how! Along with following a good skin care routine and using moisturiser daily, when you get the following nutrients, you can keep your skin in good health, during the winter season…

1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C can provide superior protection for the immune system. As a powerful antioxidant, Vitamin C has proven abilities to boost skin firmness, playing a powerful role in promoting collagen production. Good food sources of Vitamin C include kiwi, mango, papaya, strawberries, green peppers, broccoli and kale.

2. Alpha Lipoic Acid

This is often known as the ‘universal antioxidant’, being soluble in both water and fat. Being 400 times stronger than Vitamins C and E combined, Alpha Lipoic Acid is beneficial to both the inside and outside of the cell. Production of energy in an enzyme system is known as the quruvate dehydrogenase complex, a process that produces energy. When energy levels of a cell are high, the more youthful the skin remains.

The production of energy in an enzyme system is called the quruvate dehydrogenase complex, a process which produces energy. The higher the energy levels of a cell, the more youthful the skin remains. Alpha Lipoic Acid supports cellular metabolism along with protecting skin against free radicals.Dietary sources of Alpha-Lipoic Acid include spinach, broccoli, yams, potatoes, brussel sprouts, carrots and some red meats.

3. Ubiquinol 

This is considered the body’s powerhouse enhancer and antioxidant.  It’s a highly beneficial enzyme that can fuel every cell and process in the body. Ubiquinol can fight against the free radicals and oxidative stress that destroy cells. This can help to maintain and promote good skin health in the long term. Dietary sources include meat, fish, poultry and nuts. However, it takes far less than your body makes. So for this reason, choosing a supplement is a good idea.

4. CoQ10 

A powerful antioxidant that can protect your body’s cells from damage. The amount of Coenzyme Q10 within the skin increases during childhood and then peaks between the ages of 20 and 30, gradually diminishing with age. CoEnzyme Q10 can help to protect the deep layers of skin from damage that is caused by harmful free radicals – one of the major causes of ageing. When CoEnzyme Q10 is lacking, the skin becomes unable to produce collagen. This is what provides ski with its firmness and elasticity – without it, skin starts sagging and wrinkling. CoQ10 is found in liver, kidney, beef, sardines and vegetable sources such as spinach, broccoli and cauliflower.

5. Omega 3 Fatty Acids

These can slow down a key biological process linked to aging. By maintaining the structure and fluidity of the cell membrane, it can help to prevent skin wrinkling. When the skin cell holds onto water, the skin becomes moister and softer, meaning that wrinkles are less likely to develop. It also means that the texture and quality of the skin is maintained. Omega 3 fatty acids are often found in fish like salmon and mackerel, algae, krill and various plants and nut oils.


Recommended Examples

Altrient-CLiposomal Vitamin C has a bioavailability of 98%, providing high potency Vitamin C into your cells when compared with other oral Vitamin C products tend to deliver rates as little as 15%. Studies show that liposomal Vitamin C can help to firm skin by 33%. Available from Good Health Naturally.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid -Alpha-lipoic acid has antioxidant activity and can scavenge free radicals both intra- and extra-cellularly. It is a part-coenzyme that is involved in carbohydrate metabolism, and in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). It may also help to suppress vascular inflammation. Alpha-lipoic acid can regenerate endogenous antioxidants, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and glutathione, to help prevent oxidative damage in the skin. Available from Good Health Naturally.
UB8Q10™ Ubiquinol – UB8Q10, also known as Ubiquinol, is a CoEnzyme Q10 that is up to 8 times better absorbed compared to ordinary Coq10! CoQ10 or coenzyme Q10 is a greatly beneficial vitamin-like enzyme that is present in almost all plant, animal, and human cells. Coenzyme Q10 is considered as your body’s powerhouse enhancer and antioxidant for best skin health. Available from Good Health Naturally.
The Krill Miracle™ -The Krill Miracle™ is a dietary supplement of ultra-pure omega fatty acids including Omega 3, 6 and 9 that is formulated to promote wellness and longevity. A balanced fatty acid nutrition, with added ingredients to support normal immune function, may aid cardiovascular health, joint mobility, brain function, and skin health. Krill oil is rich in EPA and DHA and is safe, pure and free of heavy metals, PCB`s, dioxins, and contaminates. Available from Good Health Naturally.
Joint & Skin Matrix™ -BioCell Collagen™ utilizes a patented process that ensures increased bioavailability and rapid absorption. More than 20 clinical studies directly on BioCell Collagen™ support its effectiveness and safety in promoting joint health and skin beauty. Available from Good Health Naturally.