Blueberries. Blackberries. Raspberries. Some of your favourite berries aren’t just super tasty, they also provide many powerful health benefits too. A powerful source of antioxidants, berries are also rich in elliagic acid, a natural phenol antioxidant that is also a powerful anti-cancer, anti-viral and anti-bacterial compound. Some of the health benefits of eating berries include the following…

    • Support for Blood Pressure. One study published in the journal Nutrition looked at 45 pre-hypertensive patients randomized into three groups. One of the groups was given a capsule of dried black raspberry powder at a moderate dose equivalent of 1500mg every single day, while the second group received a higher dose to the equivalent of 2500mg and a third group received a placebo. After a period of 8 weeks it was found that those taking the high dose of black raspberry experienced significantly reduced 24-hour systolic blood pressure and nighttime systolic blood pressure, when compared to the control group [1].


    • Reduce Heart Attack Risk. Research shows that women who have more than three servings of blueberries or strawberries have a 32% lower risk of having a heart attack [2]. Benefits of flavonoids within the berries are known as anthocyanins and these are antioxidants that give fruits their red or purple colours. Anthocyanins benefit the endothelial lining of the circulatory system and it does this by possibly preventing plaque build-up within the arteries and therefore promoting healthy blood pressure.


    • Protects Against Cholesterol in the Blood. Oxidative damage isn’t limited to the cells and DNA, it also becomes a problem when the circulating LDL lipoproteins (the “bad” cholesterol) are oxidised. Oxidation of LDL is a crucial step within the process of heart disease. A 50g serving of blueberries was shown to lower LDL cholesterol by 27% within obese participants, after a period of 8 weeks [2]. Meanwhile a study showed that eating 75 grams of blueberries with a meal can significantly reduce the oxidation of LDL lipoproteins. [3]


  • Controls Blood Sugar Levels And Has Anti-Diabetic Effects. The anthocyanins in blueberries can have beneficial effects on both insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. These various anti-diabetic effects have also been noted on both insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. Anti-diabetic effects were shown with taking both the blueberry extract and the juice. Meanwhile a study of 32 obese subjects found that in those who had insulin resistance, drinking a blueberry smoothie was shown to cause major improvements in insulin sensitivity. [4] When insulin sensitivity is improved, then there is a lower risk of having metabolic syndrome and developing Type 2 diabetes – one of the world’s biggest health problems. Diabetes can also lead to complications and heart disease, actually doubling the risk of heart attack or stroke. For this reason it’s recommended to protect your blood sugar health to avoid any complications.


Adding dark berries such as blueberries, blackberries and strawberries into your diet is one of the best ways to protect your heart health in the long-term. For best results, Robert Redfern recommends eating 5 portions of dark skinned fruits every day. Make sure to include avocados – preferably 2 every day for best heart health!

Looking for some creative and healthy berry recipes to enjoy this Valentines Day? Get inspired with our ‘4 Berry Healthy Recipes for Valentines Day’ article…and start loving and nourishing your heart health.


How To Take ‘Berry’ Good Care Of Your Heart Health |


