• Iodine that has been pre-digested by plants described as organic is safe to eat in large amounts.
• Kelp has the highest amounts of iodine and is farmed off the coast of Ireland so it is safe.
• There is no iodine in sea salt or Himalayan salts of any value.

• Iodine in salt and tablets is a compound of potassium and non-organic iodine called potassium iodide and this type should never be taken in high amounts unless in an radioactive emergency.
• The closest to the organic type of iodine found in foods is Nascent Iodine , which comes in a dropper bottle for accurate dosing which is especially useful for young children.
• Iodine is critical to activate the important mineral selenium, which the FDA has approved the claim that selenium may reduce the risk of cancer (the first supplement the FDA has approved for cancer.).
• Everyone is iodine deficient, except those who regularly eat seaweed.
• It is critical the thyroid has sufficient iodine daily.


There is one simple test anyone can do at home to uncover an underactive thyroid:
Take your own temperature! The “basal body temperature” test was developed by Broda O. Barnes, M.D.
Because thyroid hormone is so vital to cellular metabolism, reduced thyroid function often manifests as a drop in body temperature to below the normal level of 98.6F.

Barnes recommended the following procedure:
1. Immediately upon awakening, and with as little movement as possible, place the thermometer under the tongue or in the rectum. Leave it there for 10 minutes.
2. Record the readings on three consecutive days
3. If the average temperature over the three days is less than 97.8F, then, according to Barnes, you may have hypothyroidism, or low iodine.

Even if you have had a blood test and were told you did not have a low thyroid reading, go back and look at the test results again.
You may find that your blood levels of thyroid hormones are actually low normal.
Many people who are within the so-called “normal” range but below the midpoint could benefit enormously from thyroid supplementation with iodine.
Your optimum oral temperature should be 98.0 in the morning before arising.

Your oral temperature should rise to 98.6 to 99 degrees for about 10 hours a day (from 8 am until 11 am).
A good test time is to take your oral temperature between 11 am and 3 pm.
The next time to do this is 20 minutes after lunch which is when your thyroid function should be at its best. It is important to work on getting and keeping your temperature at 98.6F.
The thyroid system deficient in iodine is a vicious circle, one thing leads to another until bacteria, parasites, and viruses attack and cause other diseases and symptoms, including the body’s wanting to attack itself.

When body enzymes are not at the correct temperature, 98.6F, they don’t turn into the correct hormones, which then cause illness.
Even if your temperature is normal and you still have symptoms, you may have a low-grade infection that is raising your temperature. Symptoms are a really important factor that need to be taken into account.
Once you have taken care of the low-grade infection with supplements, you will be able to take the test again and get an accurate reading that shows your thyroid function.