Health News (Week 21- 2016)
By Robert Redfern

I realise it is a strong subject title this week and I am on ‘thin ice’ with it but that is how strongly I feel about this topic. Please hear me out and you can comment at the bottom if you click through here online to add your comment.

This week a non-profit charity organization, ‘The National Obesity Forum (NOF)’ published a paper entitled ‘Eat Fat, Cut the Carbs and Avoid Snacking To Reverse Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes’. This report was based upon sound scientific research and analysis of the causes of the epidemic of diseases suffered or awaiting our children in the near future. The research was the result of independent professors and researchers into the cause of diseases.

This week I saw just how evil (or simply stupid) with their abuse of our children, some in the medical system, the government (here in the UK) and the food industry is. Instead of supporting NOF they instead attacked and rubbished the report. There were many interviews with the attack dogs of the junk food industry but the official government line was the worst and most abusive of our children and their future (see my words in bold):

Professor John Newton, Chief Knowledge Officer at Public Health England, said:
“Suggesting people should eat more fat, cut out carbs and ignore calories conflicts with the broad evidence base and internationally agreed interpretations of it”. The evidence is overwhelming that a ketogenic diet (carb/sugar free) will start to reverse most diseases in just 30 days. It doesn’t need paid hirelings of the so-called food industry to ‘interpret’ getting healthy in 30 days any other way.

The report from the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition on carbohydrates alone included around 600 peer-reviewed scientific reports. That review was carried out over a number of years, reflecting how long it takes to thoroughly consider evidence ahead of changing dietary guidelines. These are food industry paid or influenced reports and are meaningless.

We engage with a broad range of stakeholders when we make changes to advice, and this includes representatives of the food and drink industry. As the organisation that advises the government on dietary guidelines, it would be irresponsible for us to not engage with those who produce and market the food we all eat. This is admitting they talk to the junk food industry and consider their views and interests above those of our children and their futures.

Our priority is to advise the public, clearly and consistently, basing the advice on broad, robust and objective evidence. To improve diet, reduce obesity levels and the risk of serious illnesses such as heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and some cancers, our advice remains that people should:

  • Base meals on starchy carbohydrates, especially wholegrain.
  • Eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables each day.
  • Cut back on food and drinks high in saturated fat, salt, sugar and calories.

This is the same old bad advice and the very diet that has caused the mass epidemic of disease over the past 60 years including Diabetes, Short-Sightedness, Macular Degeneration, Cancer, Lung Disease, Heart Disease and now brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

The diet in my books (and hundreds of other writers/researchers) prove the government, medical system and junk food industry wrong.

For clarity:

Sugar is the toxin that is the prime cause of disease and infections (it poisons our immune system). Sugar is starchy carbs, breads, pastry, cookies, potatoes, breakfast cereals, rice, parsnips and wheat pasta. Cut it out and replace with healthy alternatives such as Really Healthy Pasta, Sprouted Oats and Sprouted Buckwheat Flour.

To get healthy children and ensure their (and your) disease free future you need to slowly change your family lifestyle to:

  • Eat 10 or more vegetables and fruits per day (in smoothies, soups, salads, stir-fries, cooked or raw.
  • Eat plenty of fat per day in avocados, nuts, fish and (organic) meats/chickens/eggs (Fat is a better source of energy than sugar and essential for your children’s brains).
  • Eat plenty of healthy nuts, seeds, beans and pulses.
  • Drink pure water as the prime source of liquid intake.
  • Make sure you get 1-3 teaspoons of rock or sea salt every day in your diet.

Week 21 (2016) - Let's Stop Abusing Our Children | You can see the full details in all of my books which are free as a download and at very low cost if you purchase the hard copy. See

My Diabetes book is essential reading for those whose diet contains starchy carbs and other high sugar foods. It also explains why sugar is a virtual poison to humans (and animals).

Below is a small selection of my articles you can find on by using carbohydrate as the search term (or simply sugar).

Why A Mediterranean Diet Can Boost Your Health…

We’ve all heard about the health benefits of following the Mediterranean Diet as it’s often associated as being a diet that promotes health, longevity and vitality in the long term. More than 3000 studies have indicated that there are various reasons to follow this diet, including a reduction in the risk of heart disease along with certain cancers. It can also boost memory and moods.

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7 Natural Ways To Increase Energy Levels

Boosting your energy levels is one of the best things you can feel and is often an expression of following a healthy and vital lifestyle long term. That’s why anyone who has a ‘glow’ to their skin is often looked upon as a healthy example due to their increased energy levels. Below are some of the best ways to increase your energy levels…

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Cutting Out Carbs Can Reduce Cancer Risk

Carbs in the form of breads, pastas and cereals could increase the risk of cancer, according to findings being presented at the American Society for Nutrition Scientific Sessions at the Experimental Biology 2016 in San Diego, California.

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How To Nourish Yourself Against Depression

Depression Awareness Week (18 – 24th April) is designed to bring visibility to this silent illness that along with affecting its sufferers mentally and affecting their general sense of health and wellbeing, can contribute towards physical diseases too.

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Does Your Food Contain Hidden Gluten?

More than 18 million people in the Western World are believed to have celiac disease, an autoimmune condition in which ingesting gluten can affect the lining of the small intestine. But non-celiac gluten sensitivity is much less understood and is believed to be immune mediated, although no definitive tests exist for proper diagnosis. People who have non-celiac gluten sensitivity can experience bloating, constipation and diarrhoea which are symptoms very similar to IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), along with bone or joint pain, headaches and fatigue.

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You Don’t Need Sugar To Be A Winner

Many athletes and sports people state that the optimal diet for an excellent performance is plenty of starchy carbohydrates and sugary foods to keep them fueled up during a sports challenge. Their diets may be carb rich with pasta, potatoes, rice, breads, etc to keep them going. Yet while many of these foods provide sustainable bursts of energy, in the long term they can cause havoc and inflammation within the body. Too much inflammation can lead to all manner of ailments, resulting in severe pain and chronic disease symptoms in many circumstances.

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Eating Junk Food Is As Addictive as Drugs According to New Research

Are you addicted to junk food? According to new research, junk food is just as addictive as crack cocaine due to the changes it can cause in the brain. A study by University of Calgary researchers and The University of British Colombia found that there were significant implications involved when test subjects consumed junk food. Brain activity of the test subjects were studied and it was found they experienced significant changes in dopamine neurons, which is linked to the reward centre and pleasure seeking sensations that the brain seeks out.

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High Blood Sugar Levels Linked to Higher Risk of Dementia

High blood sugar levels have been linked to an increased risk of developing dementia, according to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The study examined over 2000 adults over the age of 76, the majority of whom were not diabetic. It was found that the higher the numbers in blood sugar levels, the greater the risk towards brain health.

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Shortsightedness Estimated to Affect 5 Billion People by 2050

We’ve all heard about the health benefits of following the Mediterranean Diet as it’s often associated as being a diet that promotes health, longevity and vitality in the long term. More than 3000 studies have indicated that there are various reasons to follow this diet, including a reduction in the risk of heart disease along with certain cancers. It can also boost memory and moods.

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Remember… Serious disease needs serious adherence to a plan. More health information can be found by downloading my eBooks.