Health News (Week 44 – 2015)
By Robert Redfern

You may have thought that malnutrition is just something that’s happening to people who live in poverty-stricken third world countries. Malnutrition is here in the most advanced Western nations and afflicts youngsters all the way up to seniors. It even affects people living in long-term care facilities where you would expect they would be carefully and scientifically nutritionally cared for.

There are three malnutrition problems with food:

  1. Factory farmed, processed to death foods so there is very little nutrition left.
  2. Fresh food and even some organic foods are lacking in essential nutrients. That’s because food isn’t nearly as nutritious as it was in the early part of the 20th century (some nutrients are down 80%). Many studies have shown much of our soil became stripped of minerals and nutrients.
  3. Artificial fertilizers, genetic modification (GM) and the rise of contamination from pesticides and herbicides all combine to make foods unhealthy.

This increasing problem has put everyone including the young, old, and particularly the fertility of parents at risk through malnutrition. The risk is especially serious in seniors whose needs increase for super nutritional foods with every passing year, particularly after age 50.

Malnutrition must be taken seriously. It can:

  • Cause the immune system to become weak
  • Cause muscle wasting
  • Cause the recovery time of illnesses and infections to lengthen
  • Cause feebleness, mobility problems, and set seniors up for falls that can be difficult to recover from
  • Causes an increase in the risk of being admitted to the hospital

These problems are not caused by getting older. They are caused by malnutrition and inactivity. This obviously interferes not only with your health, but also your quality of life.

No one wants to spend retirement weak, frail, and sickly but now many need to carry on working and, like me, they cannot afford to stop.

The good news is that the correct supplements can help boost nutrition and if combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle can actually help to slow the aging process and restore good health.

There have been multiple studies over the years and in fact, according to a recent study published in the journal Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, “Supplements improved the ability of those who are malnourished or frail to function and help them live longer.”

When doctors deal with malnutrition in their older patients they usually recommend junk supplement beverages like Ensure or Boost. I shudder just thinking about the labels and how these drinks give supplements a bad name. They’re simply providing some extra calories, mostly in the form of sugar to make people fatter and a smattering of vitamins in tiny doses.

It’s far better to treat or, better yet, prevent malnutrition by following a really healthy plan. And research shows that as you age you’re at increased risk for a few nutrient deficiencies in particular. You can solve this starting now with my Really Healthy Plan.

2015-44-1Ageing – As we age our body and immune system needs more loving tender care to keep it strong.

Sugar – Cut out any sugar contained in bread, cookies, biscuits, breakfast cereals, rice, potatoes, parsnips and high sugar fruits.

Grains and Cereals – Leave them out.

Lack of Exercise – Walking 5 miles every day or the equivalent mix of walking and exercise is essential to oxygenate your body and brain. Oxygen is critical for a healthy body and brain. Sedentary people who consume a high sugar diet are at greater risk of lower limb amputation. We cannot live for more than a few minutes without oxygen, it is almost impossible to breathe efficiently in a sitting position. Laying down is better than sitting. Walking is best.

Lack of Critical Minerals – Minerals are critical for the body and immune system to work effectively. Magnesium, Selenium and Iodine are just a few of the critical minerals and others are essential to support a healthy immune system.

Drinking Water – Almost everyone is not drinking the correct amount of water. Your blood will become unhealthy without this critical nutrient and you cannot live for more than 7 days without water.

Real Foods – Real food is vegetables (greens), dark skinned fruits, seeds and fats from oily fish and other sea foods.

Does this seem a lot to do to avoid an unhealthy old age? It is simply how you need to be living your life to enjoy a healthy future. Not only to avoid disease but to stay active and independent. Avoiding becoming a burden on family and society is the most fulfilling thing you can experience and it is all possible Here.

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