The flaxseed extract has been shown to produce positive results in combination with the conventional chemo-drug doxorubicin in a number of breast cancer cell lines.

This finding was reported by Italian researchers in the study, Combining doxorubicin with a phenolic extract from flaxseed oil: Evaluation of the effect on two breast cancer cell lines.

The researchers also noted that Doxorubicin was known for its many side effects and the best way around this problem is to combine it with a safe and natural compound.

One previous study showed a phenolic extract of flaxseed oil resulted in various chemotherapeutic effects (an increase in apoptosis, G0/G1 phase cell cycle and the activation of signaling and pro-oxidant pathways).

The study also looked at how the combined effects of doxorubicin and the phenolic extract of flaxseed oil effected the two different breast cancer cell lines. Their focus was on what made the conditions ideal for using lower doses of the Doxorubicin drug. They reported the experiment as a success.

The Medical Community Is Waking Up To The Nutritious Power of Flaxseed

The research is only preliminary, yet flaxseed has been subject to extensive research because of its chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic properties.

There is also a profound shift happening in the medical research community with growing awareness of how food isn’t just about providing source energy and the material blocks for the body – it’s also about this being a form of medicinal or nutrigenomic information.

Flaxseed has so many healing properties; it is a potent source of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, containing a 4:1 ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids. It is also rich in lignans, containing both estrogen and antioxidant qualities.

To achieve the maximum heart health benefits, it is recommended that we consume 5 tablespoons (40 g) of ground whole flaxseed over three eating occasions in the day. However,this can become dull and as not everyone has the time nor the convenience to eat this much flaxseed on its own, many of us are falling short of receiving the wide range of nutritional benefits that this nutritious seed can offer.

A better alternative is to include flaxseed into your meals in various ways and this can be done by sprinkling or adding it into dishes while cooking. One of the most innovative ways to enjoy flaxseed is to have it in grain-free bread or to enjoy a bowl of flaxseed pasta.


Recommended Examples

Here is our personal recommendation when it comes to choosing food products with healthy amounts of flaxseed, that you can easily incorporate into your diet and lifestyle…


Buckwheat & Golden Flaxseed Really Healthy Pasta™ contains 25% golden flaxseed. High in fiber and a healthy meal replacement for anyone seeking a  gluten-free pasta, this is ready in 5 minutes and tastes delicious. Available in fusilli and penne shapes.