Health News (Week 38 – 2014)
By Robert Redfern

For some it is the start of the Fall/Autumn and others it is the start of Spring but wherever you are in this world, life seems to get busier. Whether a student starting college, in a busy career, managing a family or a senior, it seems we need to throw ourselves full throttle into juggling our work and family life. But while working hard may be essential, it can sometimes be to the detriment of our health and wellbeing.

To stay healthy and stress-free during busy periods, we need to fuel our brain and nervous system with the right nutrients.

The brain functions best when it receives critical B vitamins which are burned up in the process of providing fuel for the brain and body, as well as in the creation of new red blood cells that carry iron and hemoglobin, enabling more oxygen to flow around the body.

Be Vital

Every cell needs B vitamins to produce ATP (energy) to function and this has a major impact on every aspect of health, from the normal every day metabolism to the detoxification process.

People who have a B vitamin deficiency may find that they feel tired easily, fatigued, suffer from muscle weakness and have problems with memory. A lack of B vitamins especially B12 can lead to anemia along with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, mood swings, irritability, paranoia and other forms of psychosis.

To get your B vitamins it’s essential that you follow a carbs and sugar free natural foods diet, containing no processed foods. Choose raw fruits and vegetables, preferably organic, as these are rich in vitamins and minerals. Meanwhile beans and lentils are another source high in B vitamins. It’s best to avoid grains and starchy carbs altogether, especially bread and white rice in particular, as these have been stripped of their nutrients.

Why B Vitamin Supplements?

While a healthy diet can provide some of the necessary B vitamins, it’s always a good idea to supplement to make sure you’re getting enough. People with Digestive Diseases for example, need to be taking a full spectrum B vitamin supplement as these digestive disorders can make it more difficult for the body to absorb B vitamins properly.

Vegetarians and vegans need to consider one of the below formulas too, as they may find that they struggle to get enough B12 in their diet (essential for blood cell health) since this is more easily found in animal protein sources.

As we age it also becomes more difficult for the body to absorb B vitamins as efficiently, which is why I recommend the following formulas to anyone who wishes to maximize their uptake of B vitamins and avoid senility.

The ultimate…..

B4 Health Spray – For serious results and to get a full range of B vitamins, use this mouth spray which provides you with 100% daily value (suggested daily intake) for ALL THE ESSENTIAL B VITAMINS, including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12, along with 100% daily value for Vitamins C, D, E, Folate & Selenium. Click here for more info

Other options…..

ActiveLife 90 – This is a liquid multivitamin and mineral formula containing B vitamins (x90 sublingual nutrients in total). The extra nutrients provide additional support, such as help towards a stronger immune system. Click here for more info

MaxiFocus – Popular mouth spray which contains x24 super nutrients in total, including Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12. Useful for if you want to combine B Vitamin benefits along with extra support for your eyes and brain. Click here for more info,

Choose which B vitamin formula is best suited to your needs, take it daily and follow a really healthy foods diet for best results. Do all of this and it becomes much easier to meet your B-vitamin needs, whilst ensuring that you get a wide range of vitamins and minerals into your diet.

Make time to take your B vitamins and remember – when you take the time to care for yourself, your health and success will follow.

PS. This week we are in California on business and next week Anne and I are driving the highways to Salt Lake City through the Nevada and Utah National Parks as a rare treat. My laptop will be with me!


  • Vitamin B1 – contributes to the normal function of the heart
  • Vitamin B2 – contributes to normal energy, normal mucus membranes, normal vision & normal skin
  • Vitamin B5 – normal mental performance, reduction of tiredness & fatigue
  • Vitamin B6 – contributes to normal cysteine synthesis, normal protein & glycogen metabolism & to the regulation of hormonal activity
  • Vitamin B12 – contributes to normal red blood cell formation